What makes yarn Organic? To qualify as ORGANIC, a plant or animal fiber must meet a number of criteria:
› Fiber-producing plants must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
› Wool-producing animals must graze only in organic pastures and be given non-genetically modified feeds.
› The animal must not receive routine antibiotics, wormers or other medications.
› No bleach or other chemicals may be used to wash or scour the fibers, and they may not be treated with mothproofing or flame-retardant finishes.
› The yarn must be spun using organic spinning oils, not petroleum-based oils.
› Organic fibers must be handled separately to avoid contamination.
Reference: Fiber Council of the Trade Association, www.ota.com.

Biodegradable yarns are usually made of natural fibers derived from sustainable crops grown and processed using a minimum of pesticides, herbicides, or are made from recycled materials or waste products such as Soybean yarn, which is made from the waste products of the soy bean food industry. Eco fibers: bamboo, hemp, soy, lyocell. Merino wool is now also considered biodegradable - it takes nine months for a merino garments to biodegrade.

› ORGANIC COTTON: accounts for less than approx 1/3rd of one percent of worldwide production. Most of it originating in Peru, Turkey, and Uganda. In United Sates, only approx 1/10th of one percent is grown organically, which is "round out to zero" according to a spokesman for the National Cotton Council. Get more information »
› BAMBOO: The bamboo is grown in accordance with the international organic standard of OCIA/IFOAM and the USDA National Organic Program, so as to ensure each bamboo stalk is of 100% natural growth and without any chemical pesticides.
› LINEN: Flax plants are naturally resistant to pests and practically no pesticides and herbicides are necessary to grow these eco-friendly stem fiber plants. They also produce large amounts of usable fiber per acre and, at the same time, do not require irrigation.
› SILK: Silkworms are chemically sensitive and can live and feed only on chemical-free mulberry trees. If silkworms ate leaves from the mulberries, which have been treated with agricultural chemicals, they die. Find more »
› UNTREATED MERINO WOOL AND ALPACA: Researchers have found that nine months is all it takes for merino garments to biodegrade. The New Zealand Merino Company commissions trials comparing the biodegradation behavior of merino and synthetic fabrics. Whole garments and fabric samples, including an Icebreaker merino base layer, were buried in soil and excavated at various intervals to assess the rate of biodegradation. The results came out strongly in favour of merino fabrics, which lost around 36% of their mass after only two months burial in soil and up to 99% after nine months. In comparison, the polyester knit fabrics did not degrade at all during the course of the nine-month trial period. - Source: cutandshow.com /please register to read.

IMO (Institute for Marketecology) is a part of ECOCERT® Group » and provides reliable quality control services and certification of organic, eco-friendly and socially-responsible products.

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BIODEGRADABLE YARNS: UNTREATED Merino, Alpaca, Camel, Yak Wool are biodegradable.
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